View OverHolland 8

OverHolland is published by SUN architecture Publishers in Amsterdam on behalf of Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, and appears twice a year.

Henk Engel, François Claessens, Esther Gramsbergen

ISBN 9789085066293

Published: 2009-06-01


  • Henk Engel, François Claessens, Esther Gramsbergen

    OverHolland investigates the connection between architectural interventions and urban transformations, taking the cities of Holland as its point of departure. The possible logic of urban architecture is investigated through theoretical, historical, and design studies.

    Volume 8 opens with the first section of a study of the organization of design and building practice in the cities of Holland. In this article, the second section of which will appear in the next volume of OverHolland, Gea van Essen and Merlijn Hurx identify a few basic tendencies in the...


  • The study of the designers and builders of architectural works is one of the central themes of architectural history. Over the last few decades, interest in this area has broadened to include not only prominent individuals but also the structure of design and building practice. In the Low Countries, the architectural historian Meischke was one of the first to perform extensive research on developments in the organization of the building profession. This line of research has made great advances in the past fifteen years with the publication of several noteworthy doctoral...

  • The X. Edition of the Venice Architecture Biennale (2006) showcased in the then newly inaugurated Italian pavilion at the Arsenale the results of an ambitious initiative by Franco Purini: the proposal for the new city of VeMa, scheduled for completion in 2026. ‘VeMa’ may sound like the name of an apocryphal city envisaged by Italo Calvino, but in fact it stands for the location intended for this contemporary ‘foundation town’ (città di fondazi­one), halfway between Verona and Mantova (Fig. 1)

    Nowadays unanticipated ex­novo opportunities emerging as mirages...

  • In the 1960s, for Aldo Rossi the construction of an alternative to the capitalist city and the proposal of an autonomous architectural culture meant, above all, the constitution of a theory of the city. In the 1950s Italian architecture had been mainly a matter of increasing professionalismo (literally, professionalism). It was an attempt to link a still artisanal dimension of design and building techniques with the urgent demands of modernization created by the rapid advance of postwar capitalist development. In the 1960s, however, with the reemergence of political struggles and new...

  • This paper engages with architectural representation. I especially focus on a particular critical agency that representation acquires in a specific context, that of architecturecity relationship. To do this, I first register the agencies of representation in architecture and acknowledge the major transformations that representation has undergone in recent decades, mainly along two axes: digitization of its media and the increasing quantity and multiplicity of its imagery. Here I solely dwell on the latter. The profusion of architectural imagery after 1950s is intrinsically...

  • In its recent publication Erfgoedbalans, the new National Service for Archaeology, Cultural Landscape and Built Heritage (RACM) provides a national overview of its three areas of responsibility: built heritage, manmade landscape and archaeological heritage.1 A general introductory chapter on heritage and heritage conservation is followed by chapters on the heritage stock in the Netherlands and the state of its conservation. The fourth chapter is about the present state of knowledge and gaps in it, while the fifth discusses education and public relations. This is followed by a...


  • Over the past few years, historical atlases (each entitled Historische Atlas) have appeared of nine Dutch cities: Nijmegen (2003), Rotterdam (2004), Arnhem (2005), ’sHertogenbosch (2005), Maastricht (2005), Utrecht (2005), The Hague (2006), Haarlem (2006), and Groningen (2009). The publishers, SUN, have announced that more will follow: the series will in any case include Amsterdam, Leeuwarden, Walcheren (Middelburg and the island’s other towns), Leiden, Zutphen and Venlo. An earlier series of atlases (each entitled Histor­ische stedenatlas), published between 1982 and 2003,...