View OverHolland 9

OverHolland is published by SUN architecture Publishers in Amsterdam on behalf of Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, and appears twice a year.

Henk Engel, Esther Gramsbergen, Roberto Cavallo

ISBN 9789085067368

Published: 2010-06-01


  • OverHolland examines the relationship between architectural interventions and urban transformations in the presentday Randstad Holland region of the Netherlands. Once again these issues have been approached from various angles. By bringing together studies in the fields of design, history and theory, the editors of OverHolland hope to encourage exchange between various types of research into the architecture of Holland’s cities and so enable new lines and themes for design and study to emerge.

    OverHolland 9 opens with a promising graduation project by Ilmar...


  • The Hondsbossche Zeewering at Petten architecturally reconsidered

    A narrative inquiry into the history and future of the dike as architecture

  • Part I of this article dealt with the construction of large city churches during the period from around 1380 to around 1530 and the emergence of the municipal Public Works during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.1 It has been seen that in the fifteenth century Holland’s cities largely depended on supraregional systems for church building, and recruited both designers and builders from the neighboring region of Brabant. During the sixteenth century, however, the cities increasingly carried out their own public works. The reason for this shift was the rising number and...

  • This article presents the results of a preliminary investigation of eight hundred years of urbanization in the western Netherlands using the ranksize rule. It also forms the introduction to a doctoral thesis on the emergence and transformation of the Randstad ‘urban system’.

    Despite the doctrine that emerged regarding the Randstad in the second half of the last century, there is still little consensus about the phenomenon. Not only is its very existence regularly called into question, but it is also unclear whether the multipolar urban development that...

  • China is greatly interested in Dutch architecture and seeks to strengthen the scientific, cultural and professional exchange and international cooperation in the realm of the creative industries. This is why the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing has invited the Delft University of Technology to create an exhibition presenting an overview of developments in Dutch architecture and Dutch design from the last century. With the exhibition Hundred Years of Dutch Architecture. From Berlage to Koolhaas, which opened on May 15th of 2009, the correlation of ideas of Dutch...


  • Roberto Cavallo, Henk Engel

    Hans van der Heijden

    Architectuur in de kapotte stad

    Bussum (Thoth) 2008, 215 pp.

  • In the history of the CIAM, the Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne, the importance and significance of the summer schools organized by the organization have not yet been recognized. They were peculiar events where the ideology of the organization had to be divulgated among a younger audience. Especially the 1956 summer school was an interesting one. 1956 was the year of the dissolution of the CIAM. Le Corbusier had tried to prevent this with his plea for a ‘CIAM Seconds’. He ended his plea with the words: ‘Act so that the CIAM continue in their creative passion, in...